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Maintenance & Repair
For your ride to operate at peak performance, regular service and maintenance is required. All repairs are done to factory specifications with the right equipment and the right attitude to get you back on the road the safest way possible.
Regular scheduled maintenance (Torque fasteners, 32 point safety check, oil change, valves, spark plugs, throttle body/carb sync, coolant/brake/clutch fluid flush etc.)
Tune ups (spark plugs, oil change, valves, throttle body/carb sync., fluid flush)
Fix Leaks (coolant, brake fluid, clutch fluid, differential fluid, fuel, engine oil, fork/shock oil)
Oil Change (Premium Oil, Oil Filter, Crush washer)
Brake Jobs (pads/shoes, rotors, fluid flush, lines)
Cylinder Top End (valve clearances, timing chain/tensioners, cams, triple angle valve job, springs, seats, gaskets/guides/O-rings etc.)
Bottom End/ Transfer case (gears, gaskets/O-rings/seals, crankshaft, pistons, rings etc.)
Crash Jobs (plastics/bodywork, damaged parts, repaired or replaced)
Safety Checks (documented rigorous check of all systems)

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